Strange happenings
People will never cease to surprise me with their nuances and means of expression. In many ways I do not see human beings much different from ants who exist in great numbers but little differentiates them. Human beings may like to think of themselves as more sophisticated, but can the world be described as anything less than a giant ant farm?
I am not writing this to make myself seem strange – rather I am writing to report a strange phenomenon. One which I have not yet been able to classify in terms of being ‘idiot’ or ‘non-idiot’. This phenomenon is the unusual reliance on another person for an emotion. It fascinates me that one person’s happiness can be contingent on another’s, or on that other person’s presence, or a mixture of the two, and that a lack thereof can lead to some sort of insanity.
I shall refrain from naming names (for real this time) and state that I have a friend who is quite obsessed with this girl. He is so obsessed in fact that to him, meeting her is about as essential as eating breakfast, lunch or dinner. He has a certain quota which he needs to fulfil otherwise he feels like he is going insane.
Having spoken to him in quite some depth about this, I am not quite sure whether I can categorise him as an idiot, a fool or just someone who needs someone to the point where he is no longer an independent entity.
I often find people’s obsession stories funny, but to me this one is quite sad. Here is a person who has never been addicted to anything before, and finally finds something which is worthy of it. However, having such a reliance when it cannot always be satisfied leaves many painful times for people like myself who must put up with the tale. Sometimes I think he should just jump out the window, other times I tell him he is normal and he should leave me alone…. His story about seeing this girl only twice this week is DRIVING ME NUTS!
- Keep the room at the mental asylum warm; a new inmate is coming in… (i.e. him, not me)