Hassaan Bashir
My cousin, Hassaan Bashir, is looking at getting married. He is trying to find a wife.
Every day on gmail chat I ask him a variation of a question on whether he is married yet or not. Most people say hello to start conversation. I start conversations with him with openers such as: "Marriage?", "shaadi?", "married yet?", "married?", "girl?", etc. While these openers are entertaining, the response is becoming stock standard and boring. His response varies between "no" and "nothing". He then takes a long time to reply to my follow up questions.
My attempt to branch out to other topics of conversation has been a complete failure. I've asked him questions about whether he wears a religious veil and whether he donates money to the Mosque. These are not interesting topics of conversation.
I know I have NO readership at all anymore, but if you do happen to stumble across this page and you are interested in marrying my cousin let me know. Its good for you, me and him. You get a husband, he gets a wife, and I get to hear an interesting story for once!